Thursday, January 22, 2009

Cumulative Chaos To Catastrophe

Movie:Chandni Chowk to China
People:Akshay Kumar,Deepika Padukone,Nikhil Advani
Rating: 1.25/5

So finally Warner Bros. decided to take a plunge into bollywood, They would've planned to piggy back on Akshay Kumar's success had leave a mark on Indian film Industry. Well,they left a mark alright, something they most definitely had not expected.

My primer to Chandni chowk To China (also know as CC2C) was its trailer before Ghajini was about to begin, and my first impression was that the trailer was definitely different and had a hollywood touch to it. Later did I realize that it was a Warner Bros. production.

So then what does CC2C contain : Akshay Kumar, comic scenes , twin sister-reunion, memory loss, kung fu, flying action sequences , Made in china products ofcourse the great Wall. Everything right? oh yes there was one small part missing THE SCRIPT. I am serious it does seem that the movie is made "on the fly" if you are unfortunate enough to watch it, you would feel the same. Nikhil Advani has to take the blame on this one. After he made Kal ho na ho, He had mentioned in one of his interviews that this (KHNH) is not his kind of cinema more in Karan Johar's alley. Well Mr Advani if CC2C and Salaam-e-ishq are your kind of cinema then God help you ...and us.

So is CC2Cnot watchable from scene 1? Not true. Initial scenes of the movie are definitely watchable, some comic relief by Akshay , however it degrades exponentially as soon as the China component comes in .

Read this in one of the reviews that the "movie takes itself seriously", I do agree to this If they would have really gone ahead and made this just a spoof movie like Scary series . It would have been creative and possibly funny. Akshay Kumar seems to have put a lot of effort into this movie, I also read somewhere that he helped out Nikhil changing some of the scenes/storyline. I bet Nikhil's version was shoddier. Most part of my rating is because of Akshay Kumar's effort. All in all dont try to watch this movie as that would encourage Mr Advani to make Chandni Chowk To Africa!!


  1. They seriously din't know what they wanted to do....u have scenes with such melodrama...and then mithun enters with some bihari lines and kicks akshay all over wud have been really nice as a stephen chow kinda movie!

  2. KB,
    Didnt know u r a critic urself.

    Although u saala Engg. How can u come up with ratings like 1.25/5 and 3.75/5 etc :D

  3. critic - i still dont know if I am one :)

    Engg. is what a Engg. does :D
